Inside the Wanted: Candidates Students Help Hungry Jen Chapin's Getting Informed WHY Announces New Musical Revue LUNCH Program Fan Fare Click to read Click to read
| LUNCH Program Celebrates 15th Anniversary by Bill Hornung
"Over the years, there really hasn't been one thing that was a turning point for LUNCH," said Founder and Executive Director Bill Pere. "It's just been a slow and steady evolution. With this year being our 15th Anniversary, we might see a larger step in our program development." LUNCH which stands for Local United Network to Combat Hungerhas its busiest schedule ever with major events every month in 2004, including its seventh Harry Chapin Legacy Show April 2nd and 3rd featuring the LUNCH ensemble. Click here to view LUNCH's complete event calendar. This year's Legacy show, named after Dance Band on the Titanic, is a fun interpretation of Chapin music that includes Star Trek-like characters such as Capt. Jean-Luc Pick-A-Card, Mr. Schlock and Whoof the Klingon. Tickets are $12 at the door or $10 in advance. Tickets are available through the LUNCH website,, or by calling (860) 572-9285. LUNCH also requests ticket-holders to bring at least one non-perishable food item.
During its anniversary celebration the LUNCH ensemble will be working on a new CD, sponsor a Hunger Awareness Youth Action Conference, stage a number of concerts and produce its annual theme-based Christmas holiday show called The Gift of the Madguy! While music is at the center of activities, teaching kids about important social issues is a major goal of the LUNCH program. Pere says LUNCH participants usually are surprised to learn that 100,000 children go hungry and 33,000 people are homeless in the relatively rich state of Connecticut. "When they join LUNCH, most kids aren't plugged into sociopolitical issues," Pere says. "We hope to open their eyes and ears through music and discussion to show them what's happening around them." LUNCH can always use help even by the non-musically inclined, especially this year with so many activities, Pere says. Volunteers are needed for event coordination and scheduling, fund-raising, phone assistance, publicity work, logistics, transportation, set design and construction, photography and many other activities. And, of course, financial support is greatly appreciated. LUNCH has produced 13 CDs and offers a variety of t-shirts, mugs, lunchpails and other items for sale on its website. photos courtesy of
Watch for the Next Issue of Circle! on June 7